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Postby nwsppca1_phpBB3 » Wed May 27, 2015 9:54 am

he release module allows you to save locations in Tallys. To create a release, choose 'new' on the list screen. The list screen is accessed by clicking on 'Releases', from the main menu, then 'list' from the search window.

The Releases list screen is shown below.

releaselist.png (18.3 KiB) Viewed 28050 times

The Releases input screen is shown below.

New_Release.png (28.82 KiB) Viewed 28050 times

Release No - This is a field to store the release number provided by your customer

Owner - like most things in TALLYS a release has an owner, to add an owner type in their number, part of their name or use our search window by clicking F4 (on screen or keyboard).

Created - This field is autofilled with the current date when a new release is created.

OC # - This field is to store an Order Confirmation number or an Order Completion number.

Location (LSD) - Legal Survey Description (also Legal Land Description). This field is used to hold your legal land description number specifying where exactly this location is. Note: LSDs can be 'googled' for coordinates and directions.

Directions - Directions to the LSD. This allows help for your drivers/transporters to know how to get to the location.

Surface - This field captures the OCTG definitions for the surface string required on this release.
Date Sent (Surface) - This is the date when the 'Surface' inventory is to be sent.

Intermediate - This field captures the OCTG definitions for the intermediate string required on this release.
Date Sent (Intermediate) - This is the date when the 'Intermediate' inventory is to be sent.

Production - This field captures the OCTG definitions for the production string required on this release.
Date Sent (Production) - This is the date when the 'Production' inventory is to be sent.

Comments - A field for comments on this location. This can also be used to store any additional required information that TALLYS doesn't currently support. For example, you can enter the racks from which the required inventory will be tallied when the send date arrives.

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