Billing Rates

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Billing Rates

Postby nwsppca1_phpBB3 » Wed May 27, 2015 12:21 pm

The rates table is used to define rates for use in the invoices module. To define rates select 'rates table' located under pipe definitions on the main menu (shown below).

billingRates.png (71.58 KiB) Viewed 87822 times

This will take you to the Rate Table screen (shown below).

rateinput.png (21.7 KiB) Viewed 87822 times

Then click new at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to the input screen (shown below).

ratelist.png (19.68 KiB) Viewed 87822 times

On the rates screen the following fields are available

Rate Code - This is a unique field and it uniquely identifies your rate. This field is a string. This will show up on invoices as the rate code and is used primarily to identify this rate code.

GL Code - This is an additional field to further specify the code for this rate. This is normally an internal company number and may or may not be applicable to you.

Description - This is a description of the rate. This field is a string and stores what it is your charging for. This will show up as the 'reason' you are charging someone on an invoice.

Cost Center - This is a field that is specific to your company and is used to store where the cost comes from in your business. This field is defined by a drop down. The options are "[None]" (Defined as a blank), "Company", "Leased", "3rd Party Subcontractor" and "Intercompany"

Edit List Reports Column - This is a number used to define what column (horizontal placing) between 1 and 8 this appears on the edit list report. This is a report printed off in TALLYS from the invoice list screen>In the reports button>Edit List

Billing Rates - These fields are a price in dollars defining the actual cost of this rate. The 4 fields allows you to specify different rates for different owners. The rate a specific owner pays is defined by the "Charge Rate" field in the new/edit owner screen.

Taxes - The 2 fields will be named whatever you have named your taxes in preferences 810 and 820. Checking these boxes allows the taxes to be applied to them on invoices. The percentage defined in the preferences will be the default percent of these taxes however they may be changed on every invoice.

Default Tally Rate - This should be checked on only one rate. Whichever rate has this checked will be the default charge when invoicing a tally.

Default After Hours Tally Rate - This should be checked on only one rate. Whichever rate has this checked will be the default charge when invoicing a tally that has the "After Hours Loading" box ticked on the tally.

Default Shipment Rate - This should be checked on only one rate. Whichever rate has this checked will be the default charge when invoicing a shipment.

Default BOL Charge Rate - This should be checked on a maximum of ten rates. Whichever rates have this checked will be the automatically be a charge on new bills of lading created.

Surcharge Percentage - This field should be checked if a certain percentage of this rate should be added to the fuel surcharge on an invoice. The fuel surcharge is calculated based on all rates on an invoice that have this checked. If this box is checked then you must enter a number into the text box beside it for a percentage. IMPORTANT NOTE:To set the percentage to 9% type in 0.09 in the field.

BOL Charge Type - This should be checked if you want to be able to add this rate to a bill of lading.

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