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Postby nwsppca1_phpBB3 » Wed May 27, 2015 9:57 am

A Dispatch has two primary unique characteristics. First, it is possible to attach Tallies to a Dispatch in the
same way that is possible with Invoices. This automatically assigns a current
dispatch number to the Tally. Secondly, a Dispatch allows for the creation and association of
bills of lading. The reason we use a plural term here is that you can actually assign more
than one bill of lading to a given dispatch, although most find it more effective to use a one BOL to
one Dispatch logic.

To make a new dispatch either click 'New Dispatch' from the main menu, or click on 'Dispatch' from the main menu then select the 'New' button near the bottom the list screen (Shown below).

list.png (20.46 KiB) Viewed 26156 times

Shown below is the Dispatch input form.

disp.png (28.24 KiB) Viewed 26156 times

Following is a list of all the information you can put onto a dispatch.

Charge To - This is the Owner that the dispatch will be charged to. To enter this field, press 'F4' on the screen or on your keyboard, and select an Owner from a drop down list. Alternately you may enter the Owner number, or a portion of the Owner's name into the text box to select the Owner as well.

Third Party - Directly below 'Charge To' is the 'Third Party' field. This field is for any third parties involved in the Dispatch and can be selected exactly as 'Charge To' is selected, with the exception that 'F3' is used instead of 'F4'.

Ship From - Directly below 'Third Party' is the 'Ship From' field. This field is used to show the Owner in which the dispatch is coming from. Otherwise, it is selected exactly as the above two with the exception of using the 'F1' button to access the dialogue box.

Consignee - This field is found below 'Ship From'. This field is used to denote any Owner in your database that is co-signing for this dispatch. It is entered exactly as above using 'F8' for the dialogue box.

Order By - This field is below the 'Consignee' field. This is used to hold the contact who ordered the items on this dispatch. It is selected through a dialogue box which shows up after pressing 'F6' (on screen or on keyboard). Alternately, this can be entered by entering the contact number or a portion of the contacts name.

Engineer - This field is below the 'Order By' field. It is used to denote the engineer involved in this Dispatch (if applicable). It is selected exactly as above with the exception of using 'F7' to bring up the dialogue box.

Invoiced - To the right of both of the 'Contact' fields is the 'Invoice' field. This is NOT entered by the user on this screen. Tallys will automatically populate it with the invoice number that includes this dispatch (A dispatch may be invoiced by adding it to an invoice or in certain circumstances by clicking "Create Invoices from dispatch"). Double clicking on the number in this field will take you to that Invoice.

Complete/Processed - Above the 'Owner' fields, near the top of the form, in the purple bar, there are two check-boxes titled 'Processed' and 'Completed'. If 'Restrict Completing' is turned on by the manager in preference 900, the complete checkbox will not be accessible. Only users granted accounting privileges can complete or process dispatches. To complete a Dispatch click the complete button in the bottom left (or use the checkbox if it is not disabled), this will flag the dispatch as completed and will disallow further changes. If a dispatch has been completed by mistake it can be uncompleted via the incomplete button or by un-checking the checkbox (if not disabled). When accounting has processed the dispatch they should simply click the checkbox for 'Processed' to indicate that they have done so.

P.O. No. - This is located to the far right of the 'Charge To' Owner field. This is a text field capable of holding 20 characters and used to denote the P.O. No. for the Dispatch.

Code - This is located to the right of the 'P.O. No.' field. Code is a text field capable of holding 20 characters and used to denote the code for the Dispatch.

AFE - This field is located below 'P.O. No.'. AFE is a text field capable of holding 20 characters and is used to denote the AFE for the Dispatch.

Processed - This is a date field that can be entered, but is generally populated by Tallys. Tallys will populate it with the current date when the processed checkbox is checked. This is located below AFE.

For Date - This date field is below 'Processed' and should be filled in with the date that this Dispatch is taking place on, because it is not necessarily the same day that the dispatch information is being entered.

For Time - This is below the 'For Date' field, and denotes the time of day that the Dispatch is expected to be carried out.

Or Other - This is a text field capable of holding 30 characters located below 'For Time'. If this field is entered Tallys will assume that this is the Date/Time/Etc. when Dispatch is supposed to take place.

Dispatcher - This is a text field automatically populated by the user who started this Dispatch, and is used to show who filled in the forms information.

Order Recv'd - This is a set of radio buttons located below 'Code'. This is used to select which of three possible ways the order was received whether it was via telephone, fax, or letter.

To LSD - Immediately below Dispatcher there are two fields, one text field and one text area (the text area is a much larger text field). The text field is used to denote the LSD number for where the Dispatch is going to. This can be selected by putting the text cursor into that field and pressing F11. For data entry, choose from the resulting dialogue box or enter the desired text manually. If you select from your existing locations, the directions will automatically be placed in the text area below. This can of course be changed, updated, or appended to as necessary for the order. If the LSD was entered manually, then the text area below it must also be entered manually.

From LSD - To the left of 'To LSD' is the 'From LSD' field, which consists of a text field and a text area. This field is exactly the same as 'To LSD' except it is used to denote where the Dispatch is coming from.

Release No - This is located to the left of the 'From LSD' text field. This field is limited to 20 characters and it is used to hold the release number for the Dispatch.

Rig No - This is a 20 character text field that is used to hold the rig number for the dispatch.

Handling Fee - This is located below 'Rig No.' field and is a numeric field (with decimals) used to store the cost of handling this Dispatch.

Print and Save - This allows you to print one of two reports based on this Dispatch. When selected, this button also saves your dispatch as is.

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