Bills of Lading

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Bills of Lading

Postby nwsppca1_phpBB3 » Wed May 27, 2015 9:58 am

Bills of Lading charges for loading and unloading trucks and or trailers, and can be added to a dispatch. To create a Bill of Lading, ensure that you have the 'Bills of Lading' tab selected on the input screen for a dispatch shown below.

bol.png (26.74 KiB) Viewed 34435 times

This tab gives you access to 2 new buttons and 2 new fields, highlighted in the screen shot below.

highlighted.png (88.99 KiB) Viewed 34435 times

Destination - A 55 character field that holds the destination for the bills of lading

Dispatchers Comments - A text area that holds any additional information the dispatcher had about the dispatch.

The update bill button will allow you to update the selected bill. Alternately you can edit this bill by accessing it from the main menu by clicking 'Bills Of Lading' then selecting the bill.

To begin making a bill of lading click on new bill. You will then be warned that your dispatch must first be saved. Accept this and Tallys will ask if you are sure that you want to add a bill of lading to this dispatch. Accept this and you will be brought to the new bill of lading screen shown below.

bolscr.png (28.01 KiB) Viewed 34435 times

Ship From - This is automatically populated by Tallys based on the owner of your dispatch.

Ship From Address(This Bill Only) - Specifies an address for the ship from specific to this bill of lading.

Consignee - An owner field. Denotes the cosigner for this bill of lading.

Shipper 2 - An owner field. Denotes a secondary shipper when necessary.

Additional Locations Hauled From - This is a text area used to denote any additional locations this bill of lading was hauled from.

Permit/Height/Weight/Length/Width/Kilometers - This is a text box used to denote any/some/all of the given fields.

Truck No - The truck used for this bill of lading.

Truck Type - The type of truck that relates to the 'Truck No' provided.

Rate - The standard rate for the bill of lading.

KM Rate - Price of hauling per Kilometer for this bill of lading.

Trailer No 1 - Number of 1 trailer used on this bill of lading.

Type - The type of trailer that relates to the 'Trailer No' provided.

KMs - The total number of kilometers travelled

Tr #2 - Denotes a second trailer used if necessary.

Tr #3 - Denotes a third trailer used if necessary.

Trailer Rate - The amount to charge for trailer time.

Driver - Denotes the driver (contact) for the truck/trailer on this bill of lading.

Swamper - Denotes the swamper contact assigned to this bill of lading.

Other - Any other people or thing involved in this bill of lading. The second box denotes a rate for this person/object.

Swamper Rate - The per hour cost of the swamper assigned to this bill of lading.

Loading/Travel To/Unload Strip/Return SW/Other Time - These 5 fields are used to denote the hours and minutes spent on this bill of lading in their 5 respective fields.

Description Of Articles - A description of all the articles in the bill of lading. Using the green drop down allows you to add quick comments based on preference settings.

From LSD - Used to denote the location that this movement came from.

To LSD - Used to denote the location that this movement is going to.

Directions To - Directions from one LSD to the other.

Branch - The yard (your yard) involved in this transaction. This can be entered on the fly or selected from the drop down list (the green arrow beside the field) that is populated with preference settings.

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