Tracking Subs, Connections or Adapters

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Tracking Subs, Connections or Adapters

Postby nwsppca1_phpBB3 » Wed May 27, 2015 11:27 am

The Subs handling piece of Tallys consists of two main sections; Creation of subs and Shipments (movements) of subs. New subs are created either from the main menu or through the equipment/sub list screen. A sub has two ends both of which can be defined with different sizes and threads as well as other standard sub information. Shipments allow you to ship (out) or receive (in) subs. Each sub on a shipment can go to a rack (these "sub racks" are different from those defined in the racks module) and can be assigned a serial number.

To begin using the subs module you'll first be required to create sub definitions. Sub definition creation is initiated by clicking on the 'New Sub' button from the main menu, or selecting 'new sub' from the equipment list screen. After either of the above sequences you will be presented with the sub equipment detail screen shown below.

Subs Input.png
Subs Input.png (23.77 KiB) Viewed 41687 times

The Sub Input Screen

Fields used to define a given sub:

Owner - To choose an owner, type the owner number, the beginning of their name + an '@' (the wild card in Tallys), or hit F4 on screen or on the keyboard to bring up the owner list screen.

Our Part No. - This field is read only and is set by Tallys. It is used internally

Description - This field is read only and is set by Tallys. It is set using the following formula:
End1 Size(Imperial) "End1 Thread End1 Type X End2 Size(Imperial)" End2 Thread End2 Type X Length"

Length - This field is a numeric field accepting a maximum of 6 digits, which defines the length of this particular sub.

Sub Type - The type of sub is defined by the radio buttons below the header. This can be box;box, box;pin (default), or pin;pin. Selecting these will automatically update the End 1 and End 2 headers accordingly so that you know which criteria represents each end.

End 1 and 2 - Tallys allows you to define a size and a thread for each end of a given Sub. These are defined by the drop down under each end's respective header. The options available are those previously defined in your pipe definition section.

Include Serial No's - This checkbox defines whether the sub should store serial numbers and racks on shipments. If this box is checked; every time you ship this item each Sub must have a unique serial number which would in turn be referenced on the 'Current' tab. Some reports are pulled from these fields and will be unavailable if you do not have the 'Include Serial No.' box checked.

NOTE: When you save your work either by pressing the enter key to the lower right of your keyboard's number pad, or by hitting the 'save' button on screen you will be presented with another blank record. This speeds up initial entry so that you may skip hitting new sub over and over again. Once you’ve saved your last sub hit escape and abandon the record.

NOTE: A given Sub's description MUST be unique to the owner it is tied to. Tallys will not allow you to save a sub if you have already created a sub with an identical description in that owner's inventory.

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