Miscellaneous Tally OUT

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Miscellaneous Tally OUT

Postby nwsppca1_phpBB3 » Wed May 27, 2015 12:01 pm

A Misc. Tally Out is identical to a Tally Out except that a misc. out allows you to break the FILO rule (first in last off) and remove joints from any tier or position on the rack. To select specific joints click on the 'Pick joints' tab at the top right corner of the window (shown below).

MISCOut.png (69.21 KiB) Viewed 33989 times

Simply double-clicking on the joint in the large gray list (shown below) will add it to the tally.

MiscOut2.png (57.76 KiB) Viewed 33989 times

Another key difference is that misc. outs are limited to a maximum of 750 joints per tally.

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