Adding Equipment or Accessory Descriptions

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Adding Equipment or Accessory Descriptions

Postby nwsppca1_phpBB3 » Wed May 27, 2015 11:20 am

Equipment is any non-tubular item your pipe yard may want to track movements and inventory levels for. Equipment quantity is adjusted by means of Shipments In and Out.

To create an equipment definition click 'New Equipment' from the main menu or click "New Equip" from the Equipment list screen, shown below.

equipmentList.png (91.78 KiB) Viewed 27033 times

Shown below is the 'Equipment Detail' input form.

equipmentDetail.png (40.23 KiB) Viewed 27033 times

The fields included on the 'Equipment Detail' form are as follows:

Owner - This field is mandatory. To select an Owner, type an owner number, part of the owner name or select the F4 button (on screen or on keyboard) to bring up the selection box.

Description - This field is also mandatory. This field holds up to a maximum length of 40 characters and will be used to more easily identify the piece of equipment.

Quantity - This field is read only and is set automatically by Tallys to the current quantity of that particular equipment.

Our Part No - This field is read only and is used internally by Tallys and on some search screens.

Unit Weight - This field is used to store the weight of the equipment. (Numeric)

Owner Part No - This field is used to store the owners internal number for the equipment. (String)

Alternate No - This field is used to store an alternate number for the equipment. This number is often a serial number or an internal number for your company. (String)

Minimum - This field is used to store the lowest possible quantity before re-order is required. (Numeric)

Reorder - Use this field to store the quantity of equipment to order when re-ordering is required. (Numeric)

Maximum - This field is used to store the maximum quantity you can have on hand for this equipment. Useful for when doing re-orders. (Numeric)

Note - Like a comment field this field is used to store notes/comments about this particular equipment type. This field can also be used to store additional information that no other field will allow. (Alphanumeric)

Yard No - This is the yard number for your company where this equipment can be located.

Include Serial No's. - This checkbox defines whether the equipment should store serial numbers and racks on your Shipments. If this box is checked, every time you ship this item, each one must have a unique serial number whether it tracks this on the current tab or not. Some reports require these fields and will be unavailable if you do not have this box checked.

Prim. Class - This field is used to denote the Primary class of the equipment. (Text)

Sub Class - This field is used to denote the Sub class of the equipment. (Text)

Pin (UN) - This field is used to denote the Pin (UN) information for a piece of equipment. (Text)

E/I - This field is used to denote the E/I information for an equipment. (Text)

Pkg. Group - This field is used to store the information about package group for this equipment. (Text)

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